“I really appreciate that City Hall is continuing their support for ovarian cancer awareness,” effuses 46-year-old Flower Miller, who was honored by the city of Los Angeles for her strength, determination, and awareness efforts. Flower was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer in April of 2014.
“When I met Dr. Sanaz Memarzadeh, I told her I didn’t think there was much hope for me, given the statistics. She looked at me and said, ‘We have a plan for you. There is hope and there are clinical trials.’ I felt in such good hands at UCLA Health. All of the doctors were amazing, kind, and relatable. I went through surgeries and lots of chemotherapy before starting a clinical trial in January 2015.
In April 2019, I passed the five-year survival mark, so I’ve been in remission for five years. I’m feeling good, I’m healthy, I’m happy, and I’m thriving. I think it's so important to share my story and for other people to see my face. I want them to know if they get this terrible diagnosis for late-stage ovarian cancer that I'm here five and a half years later wearing this teal scarf for awareness, and that there is hope for them too."
Learn more about the gynecological oncology program at UCLA: obgyn.ucla.edu/gynecologic-oncology