
I went to the ER for kidney stones and the urologist, upon seeing the calcium level in my blood recommended I see an endocrinologist. After the endocrinologist reviewed my scan of my parathyroid he recommended I see Dr. Masha Livhits. Dr. Livhits did an ultrasound of my neck and was able to see the tumor on my parathyroid and recommended removal immediately both because of the tumor and because my calcium level was 12.7. All this happened within a month. I had my surgery at Santa Monica and had no problems. The staff was helpful and professional. I took a week off work so that my calcium levels would adjust because I was having tingling sensations in my hands and face, which is normal, and to allow for healing time. I didn't really suffer soreness. It wasn't painful, but it was good to give myself time for the anesthesia and medicines to leave my body.