Alternative Transportation
Alternative Commuting Transportation
Commuting with Single-Occupancy Vehicles (SOV) significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, surpassing all other transportation modes. UCLA Health and UCLA Transportation promote alternative transportation commuting options for employees to diminish SOV commutes and enhance sustainable transportation.
UCLA Health's 2022-2023 Carbon Action Initiative fellow provided a case for increased carpool, active transportation, and public transit. The fellow analyzed 5,190 parking permits registered with UCLA Transportation. The results: 862 (17%) were registered within a 5-mile radius of Ronald Reagan Medical Center (RRMC) and 157 (3%) permits were located in the same zip code as RRMC. Only 94 (1.8%) of those permits have carpooling distinctions.
UCLA Transportation suggested the following interventions: for commutes under 5 miles, they suggest active transportation like walking or cycling. For distances 5-15 miles, they recommend public transit and carpooling. Beyond 15 miles, use carpooling, vanpooling, or commuter lines.
The greatest potential for mitigation lies within 5-mile commutes of RRMC, where transitioning to active transportation and public transit could mitigate 862 car commutes and 2265.96 kg of CO2 per day. For commutes greater than 15-miles from San Fernando, Santa Clarita, and Antelope Valley, a 20% increase in carpooling could mitigate 318 SOV commutes and 1180.66 kg of CO2 per day.
By promoting and embracing these alternative transportation options, UCLA Health can meet the goals outlined in the UC Sustainable Practice Policy, significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and contribute to a more sustainable Los Angeles.