Policies and Procedures
These policies and procedures apply to all resident physicians participating in the Core Surgical Training Program and the General Surgery Residency Program which exist under the authority of the UCLA School of Medicine. These same policies and procedures apply to all full-time and clinical faculty of the Departments of Surgery, Urology, Neurosurgery, and Orthopedic Surgery who participate in, and contribute to, the education and training of the resident physicians in the Core Surgical Training and General Surgery Residency Programs.

Mission Statement
Residency is an essential dimension of the transformation of the medical student to the independent practitioner along the continuum of medical education.
The Mission of the Core Surgical Training Program is to provide a superior education in the fundamental principles and skills which are common and requisite to all fields of surgery during the PGY-1 and PGY-2 years.
The Mission of the General Surgery Training Program is to provide our graduates with the education and training necessary to become excellent clinical surgeons, accomplished scientific investigators, and effective teachers.
It is our, the faculty's, belief that accomplishing this goal will afford our graduates the skills and versatility necessary to become the future leaders of academic surgery.