General Info:

Solomon Scholars Research Day
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
12:00pm - 5:00pm
UCLA Covel Commons, Grand Horizon Room

Contact us: [email protected]


black and white image of David H. Solomon

The UCLA Department of Medicine Solomon Scholars Research Day was established in June 1981 in honor of David H. Solomon, MD, Executive Chair of the Department of Medicine from 1971 to 1981, upon his retirement.

As Executive Chairman of the Department of Medicine, Dr. Solomon strongly supported career development in research. The Solomon Scholars program was founded to help introduce resident physicians from all UCLA-affiliated internal medicine programs to careers in research and education, to encourage research and scholarship by resident physicians, and to facilitate exchange among investigators.

Dr. Solomon passed away in 2013; since 1981, the program has continued as a memoriam to his career at UCLA but was paused during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020 - 2022). The UCLA Solomon Scholars program is a fitting tribute to Dr. Solomon and the UCLA Department of Medicine is thrilled to host the 39th Annual Solomon Scholars Research Day on May 28, 2024.

2024 Solomon Scholars Research Day

Solomon Scholars Research Day is designed to highlight resident physician scholarship, including original research (bench, clinical, translational, or health services); clinical vignettes; quality improvement; and medical education innovation. The program will include a poster session and oral presentations (one resident from each residency program will be selected to give an oral presentation). All participants are eligible for raffle prizes. We encourage all residents to participate!

To participate, please complete an abstract form and mentor acknowledgement form, and submit here by April 26, 2024.

Participation and Attendance

Please contact your program director for information about participation requirements and requests for schedule adjustments to attend the event. We encourage all residents to participate even if unable to attend the event in person; posters for those unable to attend in person will be displayed online during and following the event.

Upcoming Deadlines:

April 26, 2024Abstract and Mentor Acknowledgement Submission Deadline
May 03, 2024Oral Presenters Selected
May 10, 2024Poster Submission and Event Registration Deadline
May 28, 2024Event Day