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Education is a central component to patient-centered, value-based health care. Our experts share their knowledge and insight through a variety of educational videos including lectures from past courses, webinars and other educational programs.

Case: Abdominal pain and constipation in a patient with fibromyalgia

Case: Patient with IBS-D symptoms and POTS

Case: DGBI & coexistent psychological disorders

 Diaphragmatic breathing


Nausea and vomiting: CVS and CHS

 IBS and disordered eating


Patient with chronic dyspepsia

Advanced commitment therapy (ACT)

Nutrition for IBS: FODMAPs and beyond

Supporting patients with chronic abdominal pain

Centrally-mediatiated abdominal pain with co-morbidities

​ Food and supplements for altered bowel habits


​ Dietary interventions to manage bloating


IBS - How is it diagnosed

IBS - What is the cause

IBS - What Is IBS

​ IBS - How is it treated



Functional GI: Dietary management, ARFI disorder, chronic abdominal pain

Functional GI: Non-pharmacology treatment, diaphragmatic breathing, behavioral therapies

 The mind gut connection


Cyclical vomiting syndrome

5 tips to keep your gut microbiome health

Mysterious origins of gut feelings