I was admitted to UCLA hospital with a number of diseases which I attribute to a hyperthyroid which caused me to get very sick in July. In august I went to Ronald Reagan and spent two and half weeks then in rehab. Came home and I wasn’t getting better, and ended up seeing a different endocrinologist and he had lab work done and he wanted me to immediately to go to UCLA hospital. The WBC count had dropped to nearly 0. I also had a massively compromised immune system, and was there for a week while they injected antibiotics through an IV tube and got my WBC up to a normal level. I also suffered from heart failure, and I needed to pass a heart test. Then Dr. Livhitz took out my thyroid. Everything has been perfect. I have 2 suggestions for her. While she did send someone to see my ahead of time, I always felt more comfortable meeting the surgeon before the operation as well as the anesthesiologist. The other issue is that the timing wasn’t done efficiently because they first told me my surgery will be at 11, and then they kept on delaying until around 5. The operating room needs to notify the patient that there is going to be delays on the surgery. Other than that everything was perfect. The operation went great, and the pain was about what I expected and it didn’t last as long as I expected. I was very happy with the job they did and Im happy with what UCLA did so I am a satisfied customer.