Upcoming Classes
- Wednesdays 4-5:30 pm PT: Free Weekly Class with Diana Winston & Guests
- Pre-Recorded, Self-Paced: Cultivating Forgiveness with Diana Winston
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Free Weekly Meditation Class with Diana Winston and Guests

Theme: Accessing Your Inner Wisdom
Live-Online Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 97878342670
Password: 123456
Cultivating Forgiveness

UCLA Mindful has teamed up with Mindful to present this online course: Cultivating Forgiveness.
In this class, Diana Winston guides us on a journey of forgiveness - a journey that includes forgiving others as well as ourselves. Diana teaches with empathy, kindness and gentleness, encouraging us to release the pain, anger and self-blame that we may be holding in our hearts to find a renewed sense of inner release and freedom.
You’ll learn how to:
- Deepen these ideas through formal and informal meditation practices that you can apply every day, for the rest of your life
- Transform pain and resentment into an abiding sense of well-being and freedom
- Understand forgiveness as a kindness to yourself, rather than an act of condoning others’ harmful actions
- Cultivate forgiveness for others, for actions you’ve done that have harmed others, and towards yourself
Pre-requisite: Mindfulness experience is a plus, but not a must.
For Mindful Magazine price & Registration
- Self-paced, you can begin at any time
- Pre-Recorded Online
- Instructor: Diana Winston
- No Continuing Education credits
Class Notes & Policies
- UCLA Mindful classes are educational programs, not a clinical treatment.
- All UCLA Mindful events are subject to audio and/or video recording.
Technical Recommendation: For optimal experience, we encourage you to access the course with a Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser on a desktop/laptop with secure internet connection.