Mindfulness In The Workplace
Mindfulness In The Workplace

Why Mindfulness for your Workplace? There is scientific evidence that supports mindfulness as a means to reduce stress, boost the immune system, reduce emotional reactivity, and promote a general sense of health and well-being. In the workplace, mindfulness has been shown to:
- Increase Emotional Intelligence
- Improve Focus & Productivity
- Enhance Creativity
- Improve Team Dynamics and Communication
UCLA Mindful offers inspiring, interactive programs led by our UCLA trained facilitators, you can learn helpful, practical, and scientifically-proven techniques for reducing stress, self-management and well-being.
Program Options
- Mindfulness in the Workplace: 1-Hour Introduction
- Mindfulness in the Workplace: 90-Minute Introduction
- Mindfulness in the Workplace: 3-Hour Immersion
We offer a variety of program options to fit within your organization’s schedule: *For pricing and availability, please complete this brief form and a UCLA Mindful representative will reach out to you shortly.
Previous Clients
- California Association of Realtors
- Funny or Die
- Unilever
- A.K.E. (Culinary Art Kids Eat)
- Gensler Architecture Firm
- CW Television Network
- Luxe Hotel
- Disney Children’s Center
- University Credit Union
- Dollar Shave Club
- Tesla
- City of Culver City
- Mitchell Sillerberg & Knupp Law Firm
- Professional Business Women’s Conference
- Annual Child Support Conference
- Raza Youth Conference
- Neuroendocrine Tumor Patient & Caregiver Conference
- The Soldier Project Veterans Conference
- Neonatal Palliative Symposium
- Westside Family & Resource Empowerment Center
- NoHo Senior Arts Colony
- El Nido Family Centers
- USC University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
- El Centro del Pueblo
- Fowler Museum
- Moms Orange County
- Wise Years
- CARE LA Valley College
- Peninsula Chapter of National Charity League
- Domiciliary Residential and Rehabilitation Treatment Program
Medical & Mental Health Community
- Providence Saint John’s Health Center
- The San Fernando Valley District of the California Society for Clinical Social Work
- Healthy Focus Psychological Center
- Los Angeles Department of Mental Health
- Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
- The ALS Association
- USC Medical Center
- Brain Institute at Chapman University
- North East Valley Health Corporations
- Malibu Treatment Center
- Older Adult Task Force
- San Fernando Valley Health Centers
- Beverly Hills Unified School District
- Harry Bridges K-8 span school
- Lainer School
- Third Street Elementary School
- Shalhevet High School
- Griffen Elementary
- Paul Revere Middle School
- Alondra Middle School
- El Camino Real Charter
- Polytechnic School
- Haas School of Business Alumni Associationn
- UCLA School of Dentistry
- Ronald Regan UCLA Medical Center
- UCLA Department of English
- UCLA Women’s Cardio Vascular Center
- UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
- UCLA Behavioral Health Associates Program
- Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
- UCLA School of Law
- UCLA Women’s Health & Education Resource
- Harbor UCLA Medical Center
- The UCLA Center for Organizational Readiness and Education
- UCLA Health Brentwood
- UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
- UCLA Nurses Week
- UCLA Cultural Affairs Commission Worldfest
- University Credit Union
- UCLA/Eurovision Executive Academy
- Early Memory Loss Forum (Mary Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research at UCLA.)