MR-Guided Targeted Biopsy

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Our radiologists lead the way in prostate imaging. We offer the newest techniques to better detect and stage prostate cancer. Call 310-481-7545 to find out more about prostate imaging and treatment options.


  • 63 y/o, PSA 8.8 → 13.2 over 5 years
  • All systematic biopsies negative
  • Hypointense left anterior lesion with restricted diffusion is moderately suspicious, not in biopsy zone


MR-Guided Targeted Biopsy

LEFT: Axial T2-weighted image: asymmetric anterior low signal

RIGHT: Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map: focal restricted diffusion

Oblique Axial T2-weighted image
Corresponding sagittal T2-weighted image

LEFT: Oblique Axial T2-weighted image from in-bore MR-guided targeting
RIGHT: Corresponding sagittal T2-weighted image from in-bore MR-guided targeting


  • Gleason grade 3+3=6/10
  • All biopsies over 5 mm and over 50% of core

Advantage: UCLA Prostate MRI

Suspicious findings on diagnostic multiparametric prostate MRI can be targeted for direct in-bore MRI-guided biopsy or MRI-ultrasound fusion targeted biopsy