Do You Want to be Healthy?


“Do you want to be healthy? Not just now, but in 10, 20 or 30 years from now?” asks Dr. Eric Esrailian, Chief of the Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Division of Digestive Disease and director of the Melvin and Bren Simon Digestive Disease Center at UCLA. “If the answer is yes to that question, it doesn’t make sense not to utilize all the knowledge and technology we have available to us. If a patient meets the criteria, they should be getting screened for colon cancer. This is one of the only screening tests that can actually be preventative. In Los Angeles, we don’t feel like there should be any excuse for someone not to get screened. We want to eliminate any barriers and give patients as many options as possible. There is more than one way to get screened; a colonoscopy or stool testing. If a patient has concerns we want to address those and help alleviate any fears. We want to increase screening rates in our community so that we give patients the best possible care and the care that they deserve.”