Fellowship Programs

The Department of Pathology currently offers a number of fellowship opportunities, from the Post-Sophomore/Junior Fellowships for medical students; to advanced, post residency specialty fellowships. ACGME accredited fellowships are offered in Dermatopathology (3 positions per year), Hematopathology (2 positions per year), Cytopathology (2 positions per year) Transfusion Medicine (1 position per year) Neuropathology (2 year program, 1 admission per year) and Molecular Genetic Pathology (1 position per year). Non-accredited fellowships are offered in Gastrointestinal/Liver Pathology (2 positions per year). General Surgical Pathology and Subspecialty Surgical Pathology fellowships are offered in: Breast Pathology, Gynecologic Pathology, Genitourinary Pathology, Cardiopulmonary Pathology, Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Pathology, and Head and Neck Pathology. ASHI accredited fellowship is offered in Immunogenetics (1 position per year).