About Us

The Impact of Poverty
Young children growing up in poverty are at heightened risk for a multitude of poor health outcomes and health risk exposures across the lifespan. The chronic exposure to adverse experiences such as the stressors associated with poverty affect lifelong health and development. In particular, poverty has been associated with poor health outcomes, poor social competence and impulsivity along with lower IQ and language delays.
An Evidence-Based Program
Legacy for Children™ (Legacy) is an evidence-based, parent-focused intervention approach aimed at improving child outcomes by fostering positive parenting among low-income mothers of infants and young children.
Research Results
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a multi-site, randomized controlled trial of the Legacy for Children™ intervention as well as a third grade follow-up study to examine Legacy's impact on child health and development. Results revealed Legacy has a positive impact on children in poverty; significant positive effects of the intervention on child IQ, child behavioral problems, and maternal-child behavior measured within the home environment.
Implement at Your Agency
Legacy for Children™ training begins with a three-day workshop at UCLA. Over the next two years, regular training webinars and technical assistance will be scheduled that will continue to support your Legacy for Children™ team's growth and development. Learn more