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UCLA Endocrine Center News & Events
The Endocrine Center at UCLA sponsors, attends, and/or participates in numerous endocrine events during the course of every year. The list below details upcoming events in which UCLA staff will be involved. Some of the events are open to the public, while others are highly specialized seminars designed to enhance the knowledge of trained physicians and surgeons. When available, the event description will conclude with a link to websites devoted especially to the specific event.
Parathyroid Awareness Month Webinar
July is Parathyroid Disease Awareness Month - Join us for the Parathyroid Awareness Month Webinar

- Wednesday, July 19, 2023
- 8:00pm EST (5:00pm PST)
UCLA Health Faculty Participating:
Moderated by:
Masha Livhits, MD, Endocrine Surgery
Michael W. Yeh, MD, Endocrine Surgery
Sarah S. Kim, MD, Endocrinology
Pheo Para Alliance Recognizes UCLA as Center of Excellence for Rare Endocrine Illness

Pheo Para Alliance, a patient advocacy organization dedicated to supporting those with pheochromocytoma (pheo) and paraganglioma (para), a rare neuroendocrine tumor, has designated the UCLA Endocrine Center as a Center of Excellence, the first designation made on the west coast.
The Center of Excellence Program recognizes institutions worldwide for providing cutting-edge, quality, multi-disciplinary care and participating in pheo and para and related research. UCLA’s announcement brings the total list of Clinical Centers and Centers of Excellence to seven, with more announcements slated throughout 2021. Read full press release.
Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Conference

UCLA physicians gave talks at the recent 19th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Conference. ThyCa is a patient-centered organization that provides education and support for thyroid cancer survivors.
- Dr. Gregory Brent answered questions about Thyroid Hormone Replacement
- Dr. Angela Leung discussed Thyroid Cancer in Pregnancy
- Dr. Stephanie Smooke summarized The American Thyroid Association (ATA) 2015 Guidelines on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
- Dr. Masha Livhits discussed Initial Surgery for Thyroid Cancer
- Dr. Michael Yeh shared his extensive experience with Reoperation for Recurrent Thyroid Cancer
- ThyCa Home | Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Conference
California American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) - 16th Annual Meeting

UCLA physicians gave talks at the recent California American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) 16th Annual Meeting.
- UCLA endocrinologists are very active in the California AACE organization:
- Dr. Jane Weinreb is the Treasurer
- Dr. Dianne Cheung is the Secretary
- Dr. Jennifer Han is a Board Member
- Dr. Michael Yeh discussed several challenging cases of high calcium and parathyroid disorders.
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