Think twice: How the gut's "second brain" influences mood and well-being

Dr. Emeran A. Mayer, professor of digestive diseases, psychiatry and physiology, commented Feb. 12, 2010 in a Scientific American article about how the enteric nervous system, that controls the digestive system, goes beyond just processing food and acts as a "second brain" to influence mood and mental state.

Globe and Mail reports on saliva as an ally in fighting cancer

Canada's Globe and Mail reported Feb. 19, 2010, on a UCLA study in which a multidisciplinary team of researchers found that certain changes in molecular signatures in human saliva were linked to the presence of early-stage pancreatic cancer. Dr. David Wong, UCLA's Felix and Mildred Yip Professor of Dentistry and associate dean of Research at the UCLA School of Dentistry, and Dr. James Farrell, associate professor of digestive diseases and director of the Pancreatic Diseases Program at UCLA, are quoted.

Test linked to fewer colorectal cancer deaths

Dr. Eric Esrailian, assistant clinical professor of Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases, commented April 27, 2010 in the Los Angeles Times regarding research showing that sigmoidoscopies can reduce deaths from colorectal cancer by at least 43 percent.

Vitamin E may be new boon for liver disease

Dr. Sammy Saab, associate professor of Digestive Diseases and Surgery, commented April 28, 2010 in Associated Press and AP Radio reports on a New England Journal of Medicine study finding that vitamin E might benefit patients with obesity-related liver disease.

Wide coverage generated for study reporting brain alterations in IBS patients

The Los Angeles Times blog "Booster Shots" and Asian News International on July 22, 2010, WebMD on July 23, and HealthDay News and AOL News on July 27 covered a study by UCLA researchers and colleagues demonstrating a link between irritable bowel syndrome - a condition that causes pain and discomfort in the abdomen, along with diarrhea, constipation or both - and  structural changes in the brain. Dr. Emeran A. Mayer, professor of digestive diseases, psychiatry and physiology, was quoted.  The study appears in the July issue of Gastroenterology, and was a joint effort between UCLA and Canada's McGill University. The HealthDay story was picked up by and the LA Times story was picked up by Additional coverage included websites for Insider Medicine, EMax Health,, Top News Network and RTT Financial News.
1. Related new release
2. Irritable bowel syndrome associated with brain changes
3. Irritable bowel syndrom in the brain

Celiac disease

Dr. Eric Esrailian, assistant clinical professor of Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases, commented Sept. 27, 2010 in a Los Angeles Times article about research showing that individuals can develop celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder, later in life than previously thought.  In addition, he commented Sept. 27 in a Daily Breeze story about the lack of scientific evidence about why some feel better on a gluten-free diet who do not have celiac disease.
1. Celiac disease can develop in adults
2. Manhattan Beach friends fill void by making their own gluten-free baked goods

News service covers study on improving mortality rates at dialysis practicess

Health Behavior News Service on Dec. 9, 2010 covered a UCLA study that identified factors that may help improve mortality rates at dialysis practices. Dr. Brennan Spiegel, director, UCLA/VA Center for Outcomes Research and Education and associate professor of digestive diseases, was quoted.  The study appeared Sept. 30 in the online edition of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

How to avoid holiday heartburn

Dr. Eric Esrailian, assistant clinical professor of medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases, commented in a Dec. 15, 2010 USA Today article about acid reflux and ways to avoid the condition during the holidays.