Global Health Experience

Residency Education through Global Health
Many of our faculty and residents share a passion for caring for children in international settings, and especially in resource poor regions of the world. Our faculty is actively involved in a number of global health related research studies, as well as multiple clinical outreach efforts, especially in the developing world. Significant pre and post support is provided to make the international experience a success for the resident and host hospital. Existing opportunities are already available at training sites in South East Asia, Africa, the US Indian Health Service, and South America. Financial support to help offset the costs of travel and lodging is provided by the Mattel Children's Global Scholar's Fund. In addition, pre-participation training in global health is offered both through the Department of Pediatrics and the Global Health Education Program through the DGSOM at UCLA.
- UCLA Global Health Journal Club invites world renowned leaders in global health to share their personal experience and provide an environment for discussion on careers in global health and global health research opportunities. Previous topics include global malnutrition, scale-up of antiretroviral therapy in Africa, tuberculosis vaccine studies and many more global health related issues. The journal club is held once a month during the UCLA academic year (September through May), typically in the evening. If you would like to receive notices of future journal club meetings, please send an email to: [email protected] with a subject line that reads "Please add my email to the Global Health Journal Club list", along with a brief statement about yourself, your institutional affiliation, and your interests.
- UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital Global Health Seminar Series invites pediatric leaders to provide education to pediatric providers on global child health topics including, but not limited to: malnutrition, diarrheal disease, PALS with no PICU, dermatology in the tropics, diseases of poverty, vaccine preventable disease, cultural sensitivity, and, ethics of research internationally. This seminar series is offered one evening per month in the evening.
- UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital Global Health Noon Conference and Morning Report invites UCLA faculty to provide education to pediatric residents on global child health topics relevant for all pediatricians whether planning to practice abroad or exclusively in the United States. Such topics include infectious disease, parasitic infections, dehydration, etc. We frequently teleconference with sites abroad for these conferences to also educate international residents.
The UCLA Program in Global Health and UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital has established partnerships with a number of different global health sites. We encourage our residents to choose from among these sites to ensure sustainable, reciprocal, mutually beneficial partnerships with our host institutions. The sites are: