Vascular and Endovascular Surgery

The Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery uses a multidisciplinary approach to treat illnesses affecting the vascular system. With rapidly evolving new technology available, it is important that alternatives be chosen that are effective in the long-term care of patients with vascular disease.
Our faculty have a demonstrated commitment in:
- carotid artery disease
- dialysis access surgery
- endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms
- endovascular surgery
- lower extremity limb preservation
- thoracic outlet syndrome
- venous disease
Learn more about our medical services at UCLA Health.
Comprehensive management is similarly available for many disorders of the venous system including phlebitis, arteriovenous malformations, and pulmonary embolism. Referrals for vascular services can be made to the individual faculty members shown, or may be channeled through the general information and referral line.
After business hours, urgent referrals can be made by calling the information and referral desk or by calling the UCLA page operator at 310-825-6301 and asking the service to page the Gold Service resident on call. Medical emergencies may also be referred to the Emergency Medicine Center at 310-825-2111, where a member of the Vascular Surgery service is available at all times.
Integrated Vascular Surgery Residency and Fellowship Program
Podiatric Surgery Residency Program
Division Chief

Our Locations