Hematology and Stem Cell Transplant Unit (6 East)
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
757 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Main Phone: 310-267-7610
Fax: 310-267-3686
About Our Unit

A team of board-certified physicians and nurses operates our 26-bed Hematology and Stem Cell Transplant Unit, providing comprehensive care to individuals with leukemia, lymphoma and other hematologic malignancies.
Targeted therapies to treat these conditions include:
- Administration of established chemotherapy protocols and investigational drugs
- Autologous and allogeneic transplants (including cord transplants)
A multidisciplinary team of physicians, registered nurses, clinical social worker, chaplain, case manager, physical therapists, nutritionists, pharmacists, and administrative and clinical care partners will coordinate your care to achieve optimal outcomes and to provide for your well being
Download and print our brochure
About Your Stay
Our unit offers a 24-hour therapeutic environment, which includes frequent assessments, treatment transfusions, diagnostic testing and blood work. Our transplant patients will remain in the hospital for four to six weeks after their transplant, waiting for the marrow to engraft and for blood counts to recover. Our chemotherapy patients may have a shorter hospital stay depending on the chemotherapy course and any potential side effects. It is not uncommon for a patient to require multiple blood and other supportive transfusions after chemotherapy.
During your course of treatment, you will become neutropenic (low immunity due to a drop in white blood cell count). To support your immune system and to prevent infection, you will be given antibiotics. In light of neutropenia, it is important that thorough hand and body hygiene are exercised. To minimize infection risk, your meals will consist of low bacteria items (void of any uncooked fruits, vegetables, natural herbs, unpasteurized items, etc.). Fresh flowers are not allowed in the unit.
Our medical and nursing staff will do our best to answer all your questions and address your concerns in a timely manner. If you feel that our team has not addressed your concerns and questions thoroughly, please let us know.
Visitor Guidelines
We value your family as our partners throughout your hospital stay and on your road to recovery. A family member or friend is allowed to spend the night in your room. Due to room constraints, we ask that you please utilize the family room for extra visitors. Children 12 years and older are permitted to visit, but special arrangements organized by your nursing team can be made for those who are younger. In addition, we ask that any family member/visitor who is sick refrain from visiting until symptoms are clear, to help minimize the risk of infection to our patients.
Quick Reference Guide
Unit Director
Bindu Danee, RN, MSN
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Christina Marino, RN, MSN, FNP, OCNS
Case Manager
Neela Patel, RN
Lead Nurse on Duty
Medical Director
Gary Schiller, MD