Respiratory Illnesses
As of Feb 3, 2025 – It is no longer necessary to report COVID-19 positive test results to Occupational Health.
According to public health departments (state and local)
HCW with suspected or confirmed respiratory viral infection, regardless of whether testing is performed, should:
- Not return to work until at least 24 hours have passed with no fever (without use of fever-reducing medicines), symptoms are improving, and they feel well enough to return to work.
- Wear a facemask for source control in all patient care and common areas of the facility (e.g., HCW breakrooms) for at least 10 days after symptom onset or positive test (if asymptomatic), if not already wearing a facemask as part of universal source control masking.
- Perform frequent hand hygiene, especially before and after each patient encounter or contact with respiratory secretions.
HCW who test positive for COVID-19 should wait until at least 3 days have passed since symptom onset*. If testing is performed that renders a positive result, but the individual is asymptomatic throughout their infection, HCW should not return to work until at least 3 days have passed since their first positive test.
*symptom onset is day zero, the soonest you can return is day 4
Note: Home tests are not accepted when filing a worker's compensation claim.
You must obtain a PCR test from any testing site to file a claim.