For Healthcare Professionals
Find your care
UCLA Health is a safe and supportive environment for transgender and gender diverse patients. Call 310-267-4334 to make an appointment.
How to Refer a Patient
At the UCLA Gender Health Program, we understand the unique challenges that trans and gender-diverse patients face when searching for health care. That’s why we have made it as easy as possible for you to refer your patients to our program. No matter where your patients are located, we have an expert Care Coordinator that provides the personalized assistance you and your patients require, with just a phone call, fax or email.
- Telephone: 310-267-4334
- Fax: 310-597-4030
- Email: [email protected]
What information do I need before making the referral?
- Codes (F64)
- Choice of doctors/surgeon
- Referral visit codes (92005, 99214, 99213, etc.)
- Billing/Contracting Contact
Referring a Patient for Top Surgery
In order to facilitate the insurance authorization and surgery scheduling process, all patients being referred to UCLA for top surgery / chest reconstruction should have a statement of support from a master’s or higher level behavioral health professional submitted prior to scheduling a consultation. Referrals should specify the type of surgery your patient is seeking, “top surgery/gender-affirming chest surgery.” Please see the resources listed below for details about what a statement of support must include. Once the statement of support is received by our Gender Health Program care coordination team, a department scheduler will contact your patient to schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons. For patients being referred for surgery by an outside healthcare agency or from an insurance payor, recent healthcare records will also be needed. Statements of support can be emailed to: [email protected]. Thank you.
Connect with Us
Gender Health Interested Provider
If you are a physician or healthcare professional who is interested in participating in or learning more about the UCLA Gender Health Program, please complete the form, by clicking on the link below.
Additional Resources for Healthcare Professionals
The Gender Affirming Letter Access Project
World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) mission is to promote evidence based care, education, research, advocacy, public policy, and respect in transgender health.
10 Tips for Working with Transgender Patients
The Transgender Law Center has created, “10 Tips for Working with Transgender Patients (PDF),” an information and resource publication for health care providers.
UCLA LBGTQ Health Initiatives: For Providers
The UCLA LGBTQ+ Health Initiatives working group has created a list of resources for providers that includes professional organizations, published guidelines and education / training materials. Read more.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Resources for Health Care Providers and Public Health Professionals about Transgender Health