Embark on a transformative journey with Dr. Jordan Francke in Vietnam

Embark on a transformative journey with Dr. Jordan Francke in Vietnam

By Jordan Francke, MD

The opportunity of being an SEA-HVO Traveling Fellow in Hue, Vietnam will be remembered as one of my most formative experiences of residency. I was mesmerized by the myriad small differences the residents were able to provide anesthesia safely with the reduced resources available to them. One of the most striking differences was the ubiquity of regional anesthesia – improving post-operative analgesia and minimizing the use of the expensive drugs for general anesthesia, nerve blocks and neuraxial anesthesia opportunities abounded. The residents' funds of knowledge were impressive, knowing dosages and side effects of a number of drugs that they had never been able to administer themselves. The experience left me with a deep sense of humility and gratitude, and also a collection of lifelong friends across the Pacific.