SOCCA, SATA, and IARS Annual Meetings 2023
April 14-15, 2023 | Jane Moon, MD
Resident, fellow, and attending physicians of the Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine (DAPM) at UCLA traveled to Denver, Colorado, to attend the 2023 Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists (SOCCA), Society for the Advancement of Transplant Anesthesia (SATA), and International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) Annual Meetings from April 14-17. They had a wonderful experience presenting their research, spending time with each other, and networking with colleagues from around the world.
The department had a strong presence at the SOCCA Annual Meeting. Three fellow physicians in our anesthesiology critical care medicine program gave excellent poster presentations. Brannon Altenhofen, MD, spoke on “Reversal of Severe Vasoplegia Following Single Stress-dose of Steroids in a Patient on Longstanding Antipsychotic Medication Therapy.” His faculty mentors were Zarah Antongiorgi, MD, Associate Clinical Professor and Medical Director of the PACU at Ronald Reagan Medical Center; Marisa Hernandez-Morgan, MD, MA, Assistant Clinical Professor and Associate Program Director of the Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Fellowship; and Joseph Meltzer, MD, Clinical Professor and Medical Director of the Cardiothoracic ICU.
Jeanette Chin, MD, presented on “Lance-Adams Syndrome After Cardiac Arrest and VA-ECMO Cannulation.” Her collaborators were Dr. Hernandez-Morgan and Dr. Meltzer. Ashie Kapoor, MD, presented “Perioperative Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Adults: A Retrospective Review and Analysis.” Her faculty mentors were Michael Wolfe, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor, and Vadim Gudzenko, MD, Clinical Professor and Chief of the DAPM Critical Care Division.
Christine Nguyen-Buckley, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor and Program Director of the Liver Transplantation Anesthesiology Fellowship, spoke on “Caring for the Frail Liver Transplant Candidate” during a SOCCA session entitled “The Transplant Anesthesiology as a Perioperative Physician.” The event was moderated by Gebhard Wagener, MD, from Columbia University, with co-panelists Amit Bardia, MD, from the Massachusetts General Hospital, and Andrea Miltiades, MD, from Columbia University.
Dr. Nguyen-Buckley, a Councilor on the SATA Executive Board, also helped organize the SATA Annual Meeting. She presented at SATA on “Cryoprecipitate and ROTEM in Liver Transplant.” In between her two presentations, she helped ensure that the SATA meeting ran smoothly.
Two DAPM resident physicians and one fellow physician gave high-quality poster presentations at the IARS Annual Meeting. Sohee Kwon, MD, MPH, CA-1, presented a project entitled “Intraoperative Hypotension is Associated with Increased Odds of Intraoperative Occult Hypoxemia.” Her co-authors were Sungsoo “Danny” Kim, MD, MS, CA-1, and Maxime Cannesson, MD, PhD, DAPM Professor and Chair. Sungsoo “Danny” Kim, MD, MS, CA-1, presented on “Deep Neural Networks Using Continuous Waveform of Mean Arterial Pressure to Predict Intraoperative Hypotension in a Large Intraoperative Dataset.” His collaborators were Dr. Kwon, Dr. Cannesson, and Mia K. Markey, PhD, and Alan C. Bovik, PhD, from the University of Texas at Austin.
Shatira Wilson, MD, pediatric anesthesiology fellow physician, spoke on “Effects on Air Pollution on Perioperative Respiratory Adverse Events,” a project that she had also presented at the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia Annual Meeting a couple weeks prior. Her co-authors were Jenny Huang, MS4, and faculty mentors Wendy Ren, MD, Clinical Professor, and Lisa Lee, MD, Assistant Professor-in-Residence.
Emily Methangkool, MD, MPH, Vice Chair for Quality and Safety, spoke on “Mentor Education – What Makes a Good Mentor?” during a session entitled “Mentorship Programs in Anesthesiology Departments – From Residency to Faculty.” The event was moderated by Anna Woodbury, MD, MSCR, and Bola Faloye, MD, from Emory University, and the other speakers on the panel were Dr. Faloye and Anne Cherry, MD, FASE, from Duke University.
Selma Calmes, MD, Retired Clinical Professor at UCLA and Retired Chief of Anesthesiology at Olive View-UCLA Medical Center, shared her personal experience with childhood polio and adult post-polio syndrome during the IARS International Science Symposium entitled “Impact of Innovation and Technology in Critical Care: Past and Future.” The session was moderated by Beverley Orser, MD, PhD, Chair-Elect of the IARS Board of Trustees and Chair of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at the University of Toronto. Dr. Calmes' co-panelists were Hannah Wunsch, MD, MSc, from the University of Toronto, and James Blum, MD, FCCM, from the University of Iowa. Please read more about Dr. Calmes’ story here.

Brannon Altenhofen, MD
Reversal of Severe Vasoplegia Following Single Stress-dose of Steroids in a Patient on Longstanding Antipsychotic Medication Therapy
Authors: Brannon Altenhofen, MD, Zarah Antongiorgi, MD, Marisa Hernandez-Morgan, MD, MA, Joseph Meltzer, MD

Jeanette Chin, MD
Lance-Adams Syndrome after Cardiac Arrest and VA-ECMO Cannulation
Authors: Jeanette Chin, MD, Marisa Hernandez-Morgan, MD, MA, Joseph Meltzer, MD

Ashie Kapoor, MD
Perioperative Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Adults: A Retrospective Review and Analysis
Authors: Ashie Kapoor, MD, Michael Wolfe, MD, Vadim Gudzenko, MD

Christine T. Nguyen-Buckley, MD
Caring for the Frail Liver Transplant Candidate

Christine T. Nguyen-Buckley, MD
Cryoprecipitate and ROTEM in Liver Transplant

Sungsoo 'Danny' Kim, MD, MS
Deep Neural Networks using continuous waveform of Mean Arterial Pressure to predict intraoperative hypotension in a large intraoperative dataset
Authors: Sungsoo "Danny" Kim, MD, MS, Sohee Kwon, MD, MPH, Mia K. Markey, PhD, Alan Bovik, PhD, Maxime Cannesson, MD, PhD

Sohee Kwon, MD, MPH
Intra-operative Hypotension is Associated with Increased Odds of Intraoperative Occult Hypoxemia
Authors: Sohee Kwon, MD, MPH, Sungsoo "Danny" Kim, MD, MS, Maxime Cannesson, MD, PhD

Emily Methangkool, MD, MPH
Mentor Education - What Makes a Good Mentor?

Shatira Wilson, MD
Effects of Air Pollution on Perioperative Respiratory Adverse Events
Authors: Shatira Wilson, MD, Jenny Huang, Wendy Ren, MD, Lisa Lee, MD