Workplace Violence Prevention

UCLA Health has implemented the Workplace Violence Prevention Program in accordance with Cal/OSHA §3342 - Violence Prevention in Healthcare regulation and The Joint Commission's Workplace Violence Prevention Standards. UCLA Health’s Workplace Violence Prevention Program is committed to providing a work environment that is free from harassment, violence, and threats of violence. Workplace violence includes any act of violence or threat of violence that occurs at the worksite. Acts or threats of violence, including intimidation, harassment or coercion, which affect UCLA Health or occur on UCLA Health property will not be tolerated.
All UCLA Health staff are responsible for creating and maintaining a safe work environment. If you witness or experience violence or threats of violence while at work, take immediate precautions according to existing safety and security procedures, and report the incident as soon as possible using the SOFI incident reporting system.
What is workplace violence?
Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. Examples include:
- Physical attack, including biting, choking, grabbing, hair pulling, kicking, punching, slapping, pushing, pulling, scratching, or spitting
- Attack with a weapon or object, including a gun, knife, or other object
- Threat of physical force or threat of the use of a weapon or other object
- Sexual assault or threat, including rape/attempted rape, physical display, or unwanted verbal/physical sexual contact
- Animal attack
- Verbal threats
- Physical posturing
- Discriminatory or sexually harassing statements, insults, name-calling, etc.
How to Report Workplace Violence incidents:
- Immediately contact Security, UCPD or local law enforcement.
- Immediately notify your supervisor or manager about the situation.
- Obtain medical treatment at your nearest Emergency Department, Occupational Health or designated medical provider.
- File an incident report via SOFI Event Reporting System.
Training and Support
- To request education or learn more about Workplace Violence Training for your department, please submit an EHS Service Request.
- UCLA Health Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare web-based training (requires UCLA mednet login).
- Workplace Violence Prevention Training - Non-UCLA employees/UCLA contracted vendors site
Policies and Procedures
UCLA Health Policy 8703 – Workplace Violence Prevention
UCLA Health Policy HS 7313 - Disruptive Behavior Among Employees
UCLA Health Policy HS 8100 - Security Management Plan
UCLA Health Policy HS 8109 - Person with a Weapon, Hostage Situation "Code Silver"
UCLA Health Policy HS 8110 - Abusive or Combative Person "Code Gray"
UCLA Health Policy HS 8111 - Reporting of Assaults Against Health Care Workers
UCLA Health Policy HS 8702 - Aggressive or Threatening Behavior by Patients or Visitors
UCLA Health Policy HS 9015 - Reporting of Incidents to Law Enforcement Agencies
Workplace Violence Prevention Program Contact Information
Ed Galvan
Workplace Violence Prevention Program Manager
Work Cell: (310) 962-9437 I Office: (424) 259-9111 I Pager: 91332
[email protected]
Ronald Reagan Hospital dispatch: (310) 267-7100 / (310) 267-7109
Santa Monica Hospital dispatch: (424) 259-9100
Threat Assessment Team: (310) 267-7100
Resources and Support
- UCLA Health Workplace Violence Prevention Poster
- A SaferU Toolkit
- Occupational Health: (310) 825-6771 / 10833 Le Conte Avenue, Suite 17-240 CHS (CHS First Floor Main near Café Med)
- UCLA Emergency Department: Westwood (310) 267-8400 / Santa Monica (424) 259-8219
- UCLA Staff and Faculty Counseling: (310) 794-0245
- UCLA Title IX Office: (310) 206-3417
- UCLA Crisis Emergency Resources and Contact information
- UCLA’s CARE (Campus Assault Resources and Education) Program is committed to the eradication of sexual and gender-based violence through creating and sustaining a safe, healthy, equitable community for all people. The CARE Program is currently offering both in-person and virtual services, Monday - Friday, 9AM - 5PM. For more information or to request an appointment, please visit the CARE website.